Money Forward TECH DAY’24

Money Forward Tech Day Anti-Harassment Policy

Money Forward, Inc. has established an Anti-Harassment Policy for Money Forward Tech Day ("the Conference"). To provide a harassment-free conference experience for all conference attendees ("attendees") and to ensure they can enjoy the conference in a safe and secure environment, it is required that you agree to the following policy. We kindly ask for the cooperation of each and every one of you.

The Conference aims to be a place where everyone can participate without fear of harassment. Harassment in any form is strictly prohibited. If a participant engages in any of the following behaviors, he or she may be asked to leave the Conference.

Any behavior not listed above that makes participants feel uncomfortable may also be considered harassment.

If you are being harassed, or if you notice that other participants, or staffs are being harassed, please inform a staff member or contact us using the contact details provided below. We will promptly provide the necessary help and action to protect the safety of all participants.

Contact Information

For any inquiries regarding this matter, please contact:

Money Forward, Inc.
Money Forward Tech Day Organizing Committee Secretariat
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