Money Forward TECH DAY’24

Data Strategy at Money Forward


As part of MoneyForward’s growth strategy, data utilization is positioned as a critical driver of growth and is defined as a key element of our medium- to long-term business strategy. In today’s keynote address, we will provide an overview of our data strategy, discuss our approach to contributing to the overall business, and introduce the core technologies we have implemented.

Kazuhito Nomura’s photo

Kazuhito Nomura


I joined Accenture Japan Ltd. in 2007 and worked as a Senior Manager in Digital Consulting. Then, I joined Rakuten Group, Inc. in 2017, where I was in charge of data science consulting division. From 2021, I worked at SmartNews Inc., overseeing the company’s data strategy planning as a Group Manager. I joined Money Forward in December 2023 and have been in charge of the Data Strategy Office, responsible for the group-wide data strategy and execution.