Money Forward TECH DAY’24

Effective Teamwork in a Global Environment


There are many difficulties that can arise when working in a global company or team, especially for those that do not have any experience doing so. Different work cultures, personal cultures or expectations, and team members working in an unfamiliar language are just a few of these. In this talk, we will look at some of these difficulties and talk about some strategies your team can use to ensure you overcome them and work together effectively.

Caden Depatie’s photo

Caden Depatie

Backend Engineer

I joined the Money Forward API Promotion team from Canada in August 2023, and work mainly in backend and API system design and implementation. I have had a fantastic personal experience as a global member joining Money Forward and the API Promotion team, so I hope that I can share some of the things we have done which I believe helped me join the team and work effectively as a non-Japanese member.