Money Forward TECH DAY’24

MEet Flutter Add-to-App: Unlocking Our Productivity


Flutter Add-to-App (A2A) allows partial integration of Flutter into existing native apps. In February 2023, Money Forward ME adopted A2A for a new service release. Over a year of development, this improved overall productivity by unifying iOS and Android implementations and reducing tasks like app planning and design. We also introduced automation processes using tools such as GitHub Actions to quickly address issues arising from the new technology. Furthermore, A2A enhanced communication and collaboration between iOS/Android engineers and other teams. In this talk, I will detail the improvements in the development environment, specific automation processes, and more.

Ichiro Hirata’s photo

Ichiro Hirata

iOS App Engineer

Joined Money Forward in 2019. Focuses on the development and maintenance of Money Forward ME, a personal financial management service app.